People who have had bad experiences with driving or are just starting in the sport of driving can experience anxiety. We’ll discuss the causes and ways to deal with anxiety while driving, as well as how to get help.

Common Reasons for Driving Anxiety

Although everyone is unique and has different experiences, there are commonalities in identifying driving anxiety causes. These are some of the most common causes for driving anxiety:

Past experiences

You may be at risk if you’ve ever been in a serious or injurious car crash. Just getting into a vehicle can cause anxiety, including panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder. Experts state that PTSD and other psychopathologies, such as acute stress reactions, adjustment disorders, or specific phobias, can result in a range of rates from 8 to over 30 percent. It’s important to speak with a therapist if you have been in a car wreck.

Living outside your comfort zone

It can be difficult to drive in unfamiliar areas, particularly for new drivers. Perhaps you are driving through a new city and the traffic is jammed and drivers are aggressive. Perhaps you are driving in mountainous areas, with narrow roads that wind along the cliff edges. Perhaps you are driving in adverse weather conditions like a torrential downpour or blizzard. Whatever the circumstance, anxiety can creep in when we are driving out of our comfort zones.

An anxious person in general

Anxiety can seep into your entire life and is not something to laugh at. Anxiety, especially while driving, can cause anxiety and other unwelcome feelings like restlessness, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Anxious drivers tend to focus on the worst parts of driving, such as fatalities or fear of hitting someone or something. It can harm their mental wellbeing and even affect their driving habits.

How to Deal with Driving Anxiety

If you feel like you are experiencing a panic attack or any other type of anxious episode, you should pull over as soon as possible until the fear subsided. Anxiety attacks can lead to blurred vision, other symptoms, and you could endanger yourself or others.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy a therapist is one of the best ways to treat driving anxiety. A therapist can help you pinpoint the root cause of your anxiety, and show you how to deal with it. We are all unique and have different life experiences. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which is an individualized approach, helps you to become more confident behind the wheel as well as in life.

Relaxation techniques if you’re driving anxiety is milder, you can try these relaxation techniques to help you cope:

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Training with autogenic principles
  • Relaxing music is a great way to relax

Introspection asks yourself hard questions and be open with your answers. It can be very therapeutic and reduce anxiety. Why am I so anxious behind a wheel? Is there a common trigger? What are the best ways to relieve anxiety?

Sometimes, if we can recognize where our anxiety is coming from, it can help us to find solutions. It may be possible to fix it with small doses of exposure therapy. Sometimes, it is necessary to hire a professional psychiatrist, psychologist, or therapist who can create an individualized treatment plan that includes medication and psychotherapy.

No matter what your situation is, a professional can help get you on the right track.

LTrent Driving School number one priority is to provide you with the knowledge, experience, and safety that you need to drive safely and to reduce anxiety.

We offer safe drivers course in vehicles. Safe drivers course will help you in learning driving techniques. There are several programs available for teens, including refresher and remedial courses as well as programs for adult drivers.