What Factors Make Efficient Ship Propeller Design?

Regardless of their style and size, many vessels employ ship propellers for propulsion. From the time when the ships were invented, the idea of “propelling” or “pushing” a ship forward has existed.

Enginners at professional companies with specialist knowledge of thruster, propulsion, and stern tube seal equipment develop these propulsion systems, and also provide after-sales services. Customers can later contact them for any kind of propeller support.

Only once the design criteria have been chosen could a propeller design be started. The propeller design criteria will depend on various conditions and purposes. The following elements help in increasing propeller efficiency during the design.

Propeller diameter

The diameter of the propeller and the shaft speed are connected. Efficiency requires a low shaft speed. But it results in significant shaft torque, which calls for huge shafts and gearboxes. Therefore, a balance needs to be established to guarantee its effectiveness.


The choice of the ship’s RPM has a significant impact on the propeller design. The vessel’s chosen rotational speed must not be the same as the resonance frequencies of the shaft, hull, or other propulsion equipment.

Number of blades

The degree of unstable forces exerted on the blades depends on the number of blades used. Maximum open water efficiency rises with an increase in the number of blades from an efficiency standpoint.

Blade outline

Propulsive efficiency greatly depends on blade outline. Efficiency rises by reducing the blade area, according to research and experiments employing propellers with different blade areas.

Angle of attack and camber

The naval architect must choose the design lift, which determines the propeller’s angle of attack and the corresponding chamber. The section would be more vulnerable to suction side cavitation and less vulnerable to pressure area cavitation if a larger angle of attack was used.

Pitch/diameter ratio

A specific design rate of revolution corresponds to the ideal pitch/diameter ratio, which must be determined to obtain the highest propelling efficiency for a given propeller diameter.

Stern tunnels

For ships with V-shaped sterns, these devices assist in minimising the wake peak effect, hence reducing the influence of vibration. These are horizontal hull extensions that are positioned above the propeller and direct water toward it to maintain consistent flow through the propeller.

Schneekluth ducts

These kinds of devices equalise the effect of wake and increase hull efficiency by diverting flow to the upper part of the propeller disc. Through the use of their aerofoil-shaped cross sections, they can also speed up the flow. This is accomplished via the duct’s design, which results in the creation of a low-pressure area, in front of the duct.

Grouches spoilers

They serve to reroute the flow in a horizontal direction in the direction of the propeller. They are tiny triangular curved plates that are welded to the propeller’s front, top, and sides. These were created to stop U-shaped stern ships from developing keel vortices.

Rudder bulb system

The Kappel propeller has a gently curved extended blade tip that faces the blade’s suction side, reducing energy loss due to tip vortex flow. Additional loss of energy from the hub vortex and pull from the hub-rudder profile will be reduced by incorporating a rudder bulb and flaring up the hub cap Kappel propeller.